IDR to JPY Exchange Rate

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Updated 3 minutes ago on February 28 2025, at 20:23:43 UTC.
  IDR =
  Indonesian Rupiah =   Japanese Yen
Trending: Rp exchange rates for the last 24 hours

IDR/JPY  Exchange Rate Overview

The Indonesian Rupiah Performance Against the Japanese Yen: Over the last 90 days, the Indonesian Rupiah has weakened by 3.95% against the Japanese Yen, declining from ¥0.0095 to ¥0.0091 for each Indonesian Rupiah. This trend reflects the changing economic dynamics between Indonesia and Japan.

Note: This rate indicates how many Indonesian Rupiah one Japanese Yen can buy.

  • Trade Trends: Changes in trade flows between Indonesia and Japan may have impacted demand for Indonesian Rupiah.
  • Economic Performance: Indicators like GDP, employment, or inflation in Indonesia or Japan can influence currency values.
  • Policy Shifts: Monetary or fiscal policies in Indonesia, such as interest rate changes, may affect investment in Indonesian Rupiah.
  • Global Market Dynamics: Worldwide events, such as geopolitical tensions or market fluctuations, often influence exchange rates.

Indonesian Rupiah Currency

ISO Code:

Interesting fact about Indonesian Rupiah

Often abbreviated as Rp, the currency has faced multiple re-denomination discussions, but none implemented yet.


Japanese Yen Currency

ISO Code:

Interesting fact about Japanese Yen

Modern Yen banknotes showcase cultural figures like writers and educators.

Quick Conversion Guide
Indonesian Rupiahs (IDR) to Japanese Yen (JPY)
Rp1 Indonesian Rupiahs
¥ 0.01 Japanese Yen
¥ 0.09 Japanese Yen
¥ 0.18 Japanese Yen
¥ 0.27 Japanese Yen
¥ 0.36 Japanese Yen
¥ 0.45 Japanese Yen
¥ 0.55 Japanese Yen
¥ 0.64 Japanese Yen
¥ 0.73 Japanese Yen
¥ 0.82 Japanese Yen
¥ 0.91 Japanese Yen
¥ 1.82 Japanese Yen
¥ 2.73 Japanese Yen
¥ 3.64 Japanese Yen
¥ 4.55 Japanese Yen
¥ 5.46 Japanese Yen
¥ 6.37 Japanese Yen
¥ 7.28 Japanese Yen
¥ 8.19 Japanese Yen
¥ 9.1 Japanese Yen
¥ 18.2 Japanese Yen
¥ 27.29 Japanese Yen
¥ 36.39 Japanese Yen
¥ 45.49 Japanese Yen
Japanese Yen (JPY) to Indonesian Rupiahs (IDR)
Rp 109.92 Indonesian Rupiahs
Rp 1099.2 Indonesian Rupiahs
Rp 2198.39 Indonesian Rupiahs
Rp 3297.59 Indonesian Rupiahs
Rp 4396.78 Indonesian Rupiahs
Rp 5495.98 Indonesian Rupiahs
Rp 6595.18 Indonesian Rupiahs
Rp 7694.37 Indonesian Rupiahs
Rp 8793.57 Indonesian Rupiahs
Rp 9892.77 Indonesian Rupiahs
Rp 10991.96 Indonesian Rupiahs
Rp 21983.92 Indonesian Rupiahs
Rp 32975.89 Indonesian Rupiahs
Rp 43967.85 Indonesian Rupiahs
Rp 54959.81 Indonesian Rupiahs
Rp 65951.77 Indonesian Rupiahs
Rp 76943.73 Indonesian Rupiahs
Rp 87935.7 Indonesian Rupiahs
Rp 98927.66 Indonesian Rupiahs
Rp 109919.62 Indonesian Rupiahs
Rp 219839.24 Indonesian Rupiahs
Rp 329758.86 Indonesian Rupiahs
Rp 439678.48 Indonesian Rupiahs
Rp 549598.1 Indonesian Rupiahs

Frequently Asked Questions

The exchange rate of Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) = 0.01 Japanese Yen (JPY) as of February 28, 2025, at 8:23 PM UTC.
The Indonesian Rupiah to Japanese Yen exchange rate is influenced by a variety of factors including economic data, political events, central bank decisions, market sentiment, and global financial news.
The exchange rate can fluctuate frequently due to the forex market's high volatility. It can change multiple times within a single day.
Our currency charts update in real-time during active forex market hours. On weekends, the exchange rate remains static, with the last Friday rate holding until trading resumes on Sunday evening (UTC). We also offer a decade of historical data for deeper insights. Check out our real-time charts for the IDR to JPY exchange rate.
While it's impossible to predict rates with certainty, staying informed about market trends and economic forecasts can help you make educated guesses.