XPD to CNY Exchange Rate

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Updated 4 minutes ago on February 24 2025, at 20:09:02 UTC.
  XPD =
  Palladium (troy ounce) =   Chinese Yuan
Trending: XPD exchange rates for the last 24 hours

XPD/CNY  Exchange Rate Overview


Palladium (troy ounce)

ISO Code:

Interesting fact about Palladium (troy ounce)

Has unique properties for chemical reactions, making it valuable in fuel cells.


Chinese Yuan Currency

ISO Code:

Interesting fact about Chinese Yuan

First introduced by the Communist government in 1949 after the civil war.

Quick Conversion Guide
Palladium (troy ounces) (XPD) to Chinese Yuan (CNY)
XPD1 Palladium (troy ounces)
¥ 6817.12 Chinese Yuan
¥ 68171.22 Chinese Yuan
¥ 136342.43 Chinese Yuan
¥ 204513.65 Chinese Yuan
¥ 272684.86 Chinese Yuan
¥ 340856.08 Chinese Yuan
¥ 409027.29 Chinese Yuan
¥ 477198.51 Chinese Yuan
¥ 545369.73 Chinese Yuan
¥ 613540.94 Chinese Yuan
¥ 681712.16 Chinese Yuan
¥ 1363424.31 Chinese Yuan
¥ 2045136.47 Chinese Yuan
¥ 2726848.63 Chinese Yuan
¥ 3408560.79 Chinese Yuan
¥ 4090272.94 Chinese Yuan
¥ 4771985.1 Chinese Yuan
¥ 5453697.26 Chinese Yuan
¥ 6135409.42 Chinese Yuan
¥ 6817121.57 Chinese Yuan
¥ 13634243.15 Chinese Yuan
¥ 20451364.72 Chinese Yuan
¥ 27268486.3 Chinese Yuan
¥ 34085607.87 Chinese Yuan
Chinese Yuan (CNY) to Palladium (troy ounces) (XPD)
XPD 0 Palladium (troy ounces)
XPD 0 Palladium (troy ounces)
XPD 0 Palladium (troy ounces)
XPD 0 Palladium (troy ounces)
XPD 0.01 Palladium (troy ounces)
XPD 0.01 Palladium (troy ounces)
XPD 0.01 Palladium (troy ounces)
XPD 0.01 Palladium (troy ounces)
XPD 0.01 Palladium (troy ounces)
XPD 0.01 Palladium (troy ounces)
XPD 0.01 Palladium (troy ounces)
XPD 0.03 Palladium (troy ounces)
XPD 0.04 Palladium (troy ounces)
XPD 0.06 Palladium (troy ounces)
XPD 0.07 Palladium (troy ounces)
XPD 0.09 Palladium (troy ounces)
XPD 0.1 Palladium (troy ounces)
XPD 0.12 Palladium (troy ounces)
XPD 0.13 Palladium (troy ounces)
XPD 0.15 Palladium (troy ounces)
XPD 0.29 Palladium (troy ounces)
XPD 0.44 Palladium (troy ounces)
XPD 0.59 Palladium (troy ounces)
XPD 0.73 Palladium (troy ounces)

Frequently Asked Questions

The exchange rate of Palladium (troy ounce) (XPD) = 6817.12 Chinese Yuan (CNY) as of February 24, 2025, at 8:09 PM UTC.
The Palladium (troy ounce) to Chinese Yuan exchange rate is influenced by a variety of factors including economic data, political events, central bank decisions, market sentiment, and global financial news.
The exchange rate can fluctuate frequently due to the forex market's high volatility. It can change multiple times within a single day.
Our currency charts update in real-time during active forex market hours. On weekends, the exchange rate remains static, with the last Friday rate holding until trading resumes on Sunday evening (UTC). We also offer a decade of historical data for deeper insights. Check out our real-time charts for the XPD to CNY exchange rate.
While it's impossible to predict rates with certainty, staying informed about market trends and economic forecasts can help you make educated guesses.